August 05, 2018
"Elatement, exertion and exhaustion flowing through these contours dictated by the mountains. It is in this place, pushing boundaries, wandering into the vast unknown that we truly grow."
With a glance at a map, an idea was born. Looking at my Garibaldi Park map purchased for completing the classic Neve Traverse earlier this season, I noticed several summits around Garibaldi Lake are accessible via scrambling. What if those could be linked together to circumnavigate the lake in one clean loop?
Pouring over topo maps and linking in knowledge from previous trips a plan came together - 4 days, 5 peaks to loop around the lake. With the weather seeming to line up but no adventure partner available, this trip would be have to work as a solo.
Setting out, everything was encountered along the way. Slide alder, scree, boulder fields, bush whacking, glaciers, crevasses, rivers, rock and snow. Oh, the love-hate relationship with snow and rock, rock and snow. Each providing perceived security and comfort yet hiding lurking dangers above and bellow.
Standing between Carr and Castle towers provided the first clear view of the high traverse that had taken place. One more scramble to go and then time to complete the long loop home.
Traversing the changing valleys out provided so many welcome surprises along the way. Wildlife grazing in a flurry of wild flowers, sweeping views and a sunset rain shower to close out the day. All of these moments, incredible rewards for efforts worth undertaking in the great outdoors.
Gaining Price, Glacier Pikes, Deception, Carr and Castle Towers, this 55 km, 4 day solo circumnavigation was a humbling journey.
Elatement, exertion and exhaustion flowing through these contours dictated by the mountains. It is in this place, pushing boundaries, wandering into the vast unknown that we truly grow.
See the prints available from this adventure